Friday, 23 November 2012


Few years ago I started to use"Reader" from google apps, a virtual place where you can save your favorites blogs and websites and look up for new ones according to your preferences. That´s how I found a lot of good websites and blogs,  like Fubiz ( a website that I always remember and visit once in awhile. It´s  a french site, but you can chose between french and english language.
I like a lot the great variety of high quality images and videos that they share on the site, about genial inventions, ideas, art, music, incredible places, design, photography, arquitecture, cinema, etc.

On the site you can revise the archives from the 2005 organized by years, or go to "galleries" and search images by categories: photography, advertising, print, typography, street art, product design, architecture and fashion. In the home page you can see the latest post or also search by categories, like animation, design, graphic, inspiration, interactive, motion, music, print and technology.

If you enjoy watching good and creative audiovisuals contents on a organized and well design web platform, you will enjoy this website.

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